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We're launching the Book Tour for THE THIRTEENTH GUARDIAN by K.M. Lewis!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Launch for
The Thirteenth Guardian
By K.M. Lewis

***For a limited time, grab this on sale for $0.99
(will go up to full price three weeks after release)!***

Author Interview

What is your motivation behind THE THIRTEENTH GUARDIAN? Why did you want to write it?

I am a christian and I have always been intrigued by Bible and religious mythology. For many years, I have wondered if the apocalyptic events described in the Bible (past and future—i.e. Revelation), were/will be caused by a physical catalyst. What is absolutely fascinating to me is that many of the apocalyptic events described in the Bible appear in several other religious texts from around the world, and also appear in the earth’s historical record. For example, the story of Noah and the Flood is almost precisely similar to flood myths from China, India, Polynesia, Mesopotamia and many other communities around the world. Many of these myths involve a huge global flood and a group of people that were saved because they somehow knew the flood was coming and built some type of boat to save their family. They also stored grain and brought some animals along for the ride too.

I tried to ignore the obvious questions for years but they kept nagging at me. So, I finally decided to start reading and digging. And whoa! Our history may be much more interesting that we have known. The Thirteenth Guardian Trilogy is a fictional account that explores some of what I found over the last ten years of looking.

What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read it?

The book is a fictional work. So my primary hope is that readers just enjoy reading it and connect with the story and the characters that start to develop in Book 1. Book 2 and 3 really get into the characters more, so readers can understand why they are who they are and how that literally changes the world. I wrote the book really fast, it just poured out non-stop. Sometimes, I would stand up and stare back at the page that I just wrote and wonder where all this stuff was coming from. Its a bit of a daring book, so I think people will either hate it or really like it. For those who really like it, I hope it strikes a cord inside them, like it did for me when I finished writing the book.

Do you have a favorite scene that you can share with us?

One of my favorite scenes is the Air Force One scene over Salt Lake City, Utah. I have always wondered what it would be like to live through the Plagues of Egypt….so this scene was especially pivotal for me.

If you could sum the book up in one sentence, what would you say?

The Thirteenth Guardian re-imagines our history and is a fresh, devastating take on what might have happened in our distant past— its fast paced, full of twists and turns and a gripping read.

Share something about you that is unique - maybe about how/where you write... or favorite snack foods?

I travel a lot for work. A LOT. So I do most of my writing on the move. When I write, I have the story saved in the cloud - so I will start a new chapter on my MacBook at 5am in my hotel before I head to the airport to catch a flight. I will pick up the writing on my iPhone in the back of an Uber—sitting in traffic—or waiting in a long airport security line, and then finish the chapter onboard a long flight. One of the chapters in the book was started in a hotel lobby in downtown London, finished somewhere over the Atlantic and spell checked in an Uber from JFK in New York.

The Thirteenth Guardian

(The Thirteenth Guardian #1)
By K.M. Lewis
Apocalyptic, Dystopian, Thriller
Paperback & ebook, 307 Pages
June 11th 2019

DA VINCI'S SECRET PALES. Michelangelo concealed an explosive truth in his famous Creation of Adam fresco in the Sistine Chapel. Eve did not cause the fall of man. She carried a far more devastating secret for millennia—one that will change the world forever.

As the modern-day world suffers the cataclysmic effects of the “Plagues of Egypt,” Avery Fitzgerald, a statuesque Astrophysics major at Stanford, discovers that she is mysteriously bound to five strangers by an extremely rare condition that foremost medical experts cannot explain. Thrust into extraordinary circumstances, they race against time to stay alive as they are pursued by an age-old adversary and the world around them collapses into annihilation. Under sacred oath, The Guardians—a far more archaic and enigmatic secret society than the Freemasons, Templars, and the Priory—protect Avery as she embarks on a daring quest that only legends of old have been on before. Avery must come to terms with the shocking realization that the blood of an ancient queen flows through her veins and that the fate of the world now rests on her shoulders.

The Thirteenth Guardian is Book One of a daring new Trilogy that will shake you to your core.

Tour Schedule

June 17th:
June 18th:
June 19th:
June 20th:
June 21st:
June 22nd:

About the Author

K.M. Lewis has lived in multiple countries around the world and speaks several languages. Lewis holds a graduate degree from one of the Universities featured in his book. When he is not writing, Lewis doubles as a management consultant, with clients in just about every continent. He does much of his writing while on long flights and at farflung airports around the globe. He currently resides on the East Coast of the United States with his family.

Tour Giveaway

Two winners will receive an ebook of THE THIRTEENTH GUARDIAN
Ends June 26, 2019

Grab Our Button!
Tressa @ Wishful Endings

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