On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Launch for
The Certain Hope
By E. C. Jackson
Author Interview
What is your motivation behind The Certain Hope? Why did you want to write it?
The Certain Hope is the third book in the standalone hope-themed series. Book three highlights thirty-something love, which can be as precarious as younger love. By that age, we’ve weathered numerous life storms. Living life can, and often does, alter our opinions, circumstances and outlook.
What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read it?
That abundant life is a valiant pursuit and worth the effort it takes to attain it.
Do you have a favorite scene that you can share with us?
That night, Tara rolled onto her back. A smile was pasted on her lips.
Andy’s love-filled eyes bored into hers. Love rose within her heart. Their chemistry couldn’t be denied. If love dust existed, it had bound her and Andy. Forever.
“I love you, Tara. You’re the woman I’ve waited for.”
His intense expression unchecked her emotions. Battles raged within. Butterflies rippled her stomach. There wasn’t a way to quench the joy inside her heart.
“I’m falling in love with you.” Tears sparkled in her eyes. “No. I’ve fallen. I love you, Andy.”
Her whispery voice sounded breathless.
“Andy . . .”
It happened in a snap. The man’s titillating smile vanished.
Tara struggled to sit up in bed. Wide awake, she sighed into the silence. Confusion settled around her. Her hands slid up and down her arms. She stared around the darkened room.
“It was a dream all along. Life, please, imitate my dreams.”
If you could sum the book up in one sentence, what would you say?
The Certain Hope explores the whys and how of a timeless romantic match.
Share something about you that is unique - maybe about how/where you write... or favorite snack foods?
I sit at my desk to write the story equipped with a book title, the main character’s names and little else. Each story comes alive as I type. And then, I am on a journey to discover who these people are.
Would you give readers a brief summary and tagline for the book?
The unusual love affair between Tara and Luke reminded me of what trusting God is all about. When Tara suffered a tremendous loss, she abandoned her lifelong dreams. However, Luke offers her a chance to rise above devastation to achieve the fruitful life she’s always wanted.
Will she accept it? And will she follow her heart until the end?
Would you give readers a brief summary and tagline for the book?
The unusual love affair between Tara and Luke reminded me of what trusting God is all about. When Tara suffered a tremendous loss, she abandoned her lifelong dreams. However, Luke offers her a chance to rise above devastation to achieve the fruitful life she’s always wanted.
Will she accept it? And will she follow her heart until the end?

(Hope Series #3)
By E. C. Jackson
Christian Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 318 Pages
December 5th 2018
Love at first sight. It’s every girl’s dream. But Tara Simpkins is finding out it’s not as easy as it seems. Is this truly the man God sent to be her husband, or is she just desperate to escape her loneliness? The recent loss of both parents has left her reeling, and close friends don’t think she’s in any position to make major life decisions. She and her new-found love are convinced they can live happily ever after in the home of their dreams. His family thinks he’s moving way too fast and might disappoint the kind-hearted woman he’s fallen head over heels for. And then there’s Leah. Leah is supposed to be part of his past, but what if she decides she’s his future? Tara’s match made in Heaven may be over before it truly begins.
Tour Schedule
March 18th:
Faithfully Bookish
March 19th:
Brooke Blogs
Uplifting Reads
March 20th:
Hearts & Scribbles
Pause for Tales
March 21st:
Wishful Endings
March 22nd:
Splashes of Joy
March 25th:
Simply Kelina
Reading Is My SuperPower
March 26th:
Savings in Seconds
March 27th:
Tell Tale Book Reviews
My Journey Back-The Journey Back
March 28th:
Locks, Hooks and Books
March 29th:
Heidi Reads...
My Devotional Thoughts
March 30th:
Grand Finale
Other Books in the Series

About the Author

E. C. Jackson began her writing career with the full-length play Pajama Party. For three and a half years she published the Confidence in Life newsletter for Alpha Production Ministries, in addition to writing tracts and devotionals. Teaching a women’s Bible study at her church for eleven years naturally led to her current endeavor of writing inspirational romance novels and teen and young adult fiction. Her mission: spiritual maturity in the body of Christ through fiction.
A note from E. C. Jackson: “The Write Way: A Real Slice of Life” is the slogan on my website and Facebook author page. If every person reading my book feels connected to the characters, my job is done.
Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a $25 Amazon eGift Card
Open internationally
Ends April 3, 2019
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