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We're launching the Book Tour for THE HOWLING HEART by APRIL BOSTIC!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Book Tour Launch for
The Howling Heart
By April Bostic

Are you ready to dive into a world with mythical werewolves? Join us on a tour of this paranormal story-book world...

Tour Schedule
December 28th: Cherry Mischievous
December 29th: Wishful Endings
December 30th: Becky on Books
December 31st: Harlie's BooksSinging Librarian Books
January 1st: Cover2Cover
January 2nd: underneath the covers & Colorimetry
January 3rd: Grand Finale

Interview with Author April Bostic

1. What is your motivation behind The Howling Heart? Why did you want to write it?

I was inspired from watching the unfortunately cancelled TV series Wolf Lake and the movie Blood and Chocolate. I enjoyed both of them immensely and I liked how the werewolves were portrayed. I’m a big fan of werewolf movies and shows, and these are two of my favorites. I decided to write my own werewolf-themed story and give my werewolves a unique origin that I’d never read or seen before, including the addition of Norse mythology. I also liked the idea of wolves turning into humans instead of vice versa.

2. What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read it? 

I hope they think The Howling Heart is a unique werewolf love story. If they weren’t big fans of the genre before, and my book just sparked their interest, I hope they finish it with the desire to read more books similar to mine. Each author tries to write their own twist to werewolf mythology, and I think it’s fun to read about different variations. It’s a myth after all, so the possibilities are endless!

3. Do you have a favorite scene? 

My favorite scene to write was when Riley and Paige first met as children. It sets up this complex relationship between them that spans over a decade. Although they were separated for many years, neither of them realized in the beginning that they were destined to meet again and fall in love. I like to wonder what would’ve happened if Paige and her family stayed in Colorado long enough for her to develop a friendship with Riley as a child. How would she have handled his secret with a much younger and more innocent mind? She didn’t take it well when she first learned about his secret as an adult.

4. Share with us something about you that is unique? 

My mom and I are the only people I know who dream-cast the characters from my books. We might see an actor or actress on TV and ask each other if they’d be a good fit for a certain character. It’s really nice that she shares my dream to see my characters come to life. I think 99% of the time we agree on the casting.

— April

The Howling HeartThe Howling Heart
by April Bostic
Adult Paranormal Romance
Paperback & ebook, 220 pages
August 8th 2013

Paige Donovan is an ambitious college graduate who aspires to reach the top of the corporate ladder. She’s climbing fast when given the promotion of a lifetime at a prestigious fashion magazine in New York City. Her bright future comes to an unexpected halt after news of her father’s death. She inherits his old cabin in the Colorado Rockies, and just when she thinks her luck couldn’t get any worse, she has a car accident in the mountains and awakens in the small, remote community of Black River.

Soon, she’s engulfed in the mystical world of Varulv---wolves descended from 13th century Scandinavia and blessed by Norse gods with the ability to appear human. Paige is desperate to return home, but never expects to fall for her rescuer, Riley Gray, a charming young werewolf from England who offers her an alternate future with his pack.

Now, she must choose between the career she’s always wanted and the love she’s always dreamed.

April Bostic is a New Jersey-based, Adult Romance author who enjoys unleashing her creativity and letting her imagination run wild. Her love of romance books inspired her to become not just a reader, but also a writer. In December 2008, she self-published her first novel, a contemporary romance with a supernatural twist entitled A Rose to the Fallen. 

Her first short story, Right Here, Right Now, released in January 2012, is an erotic romance with a dash of S&M. The following year, she released two more short stories--a romantic urban fantasy inspired by the Greek myth of Eros and Psyche entitled Eros, My Love, and a sexy romantic comedy entitled Love Addiction. 

After five years, she released her second novel, The Howling Heart, a paranormal romance that delves into the mystical world of werewolves and Norse gods. To end her busiest year in publishing, April also released her fourth short story in December 2013, a historical paranormal romance entitled A Dark Scandal.


Tour Giveaway

$25 Amazon eGift Card & ebook of The Howling Heart
Open internationally
Ends January 9th

Grab Our Button!
Tressa @ Wishful Endings


  1. I enjoyed the interview. Sounds like a good read.

  2. I always like to know what has inspired a book or series. A great interview thank you.

    1. Hi Mary, I hope you decide to read The Howling Heart!


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