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Tour Sign Ups - King by RJ Larson

It is time to OPEN the Sign-Ups for this awesome TOUR!!

RJ Larson has created a unique fantasy world, drawing parallels from Old Testament culture.
In Prophet, Seventeen year old Ela Roeh has the hard task of being chosen by the Infinite to be His voice to to a nation torn apart by war, though it means her life is short.  She meet Kien... who wants nothing more than to court her in Judge, but the Infinite has other ideas and sends him on a frustrating mission. Peace descends over the nation and Akabe decides as King to rebuild the temple. Enemies are not far, however, threatening him and his mysterious new queen. 
Each book stands alone, but you can't read just one! Lol. (I said that.) On our tour, we'll get a taste of each of book in the series and review King. Each stop will reveal a new piece to the puzzle... literally!!

Review copies of King available via NetGalley for bloggers only. Content for tour provided by RJ Larson and Prism Book Tours. We'll have a Launch and Grand Finale Blast... and for the tour-wide giveaway? A print copy of the entire series!!  (US, Canada, UK)

King (Books of the Infinite, # 3)by RJ Larson
Paperback, 352 pages
Published July 1, 2013 by Bethany House

Akabe of Siphra is certain his people are insane. 

Why have they made him a king? 
What, in the name of peacetime boredom do kings do?

Frustrated by a lengthy silence from his Creator, the Infinite, Akabe decides to prove himself as king by undertaking a monumental task, his own lifelong dream: Rebuild the Infinite’s temple in Siphra. 

But Akabe’s impulsive decision sweeps him into a storm of controversy. The Infinite’s enemies join forces in Siphra, and beyond, conspiring to destroy the emerging temple—and to kill their king and his mysterious new queen.

R.J. LarsonR.J. Larson is the author of numerous devotionals featured in publications such as Women's Devotional Bible and Seasons of a Woman's Heart. She lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado, with her husband and their two sons. Prophet marks her debut in the fantasy genre.

To sign up for this awesome TOUR, just fill out the form!!  You'll get all the tantalizing tid-bits for the tour - & your review eCopy - soon!!!

Laura BurgandyIce

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